Friday, 16 May 2008

Inner Exploration

The times come now where I feel the need to improve myself. Not sure of the plan yet, but a starts got to be made. Improve myself not as in plastic surgery or bloating up my man boobs, but basically skills and appearance.

I think I'll start with playing the guitar. I'm moderately good. I can pull off a few tunes and alls well, but when it comes to the songs i wanna really play... well that's just something I haven't quite mastered.

You'll probably notice two guitars float across above in my slide show. They are now gathering dust and not been used for a while. Shame really, they are two really good guitars. Its either learn to play or give to a good owner. I can do it if i get motivated enough.

After I've improved enough, I'll set about improving bigger things, say driving. Something I've been learning for a while, but never got around to passing any test. Every time I've come close to passing, something bad has happened in my life hindering me from driving. I wont get too much into it, but i will drive. oh yes. i will drive.... eventually... lol

Nothings happened recently event wise. Watched The IT Crowd all night. Its a funny TV show that sadly has been axed. Hilarious it was. Had me giggling all night. Need to watch the latest episode of Lost. Can't wait as its getting quite intense now. I'm all up to date with Smallville, which is getting all intense itself at the moment.

Tomorrow I'll be picking the kids up and probably taking them to my dads and places...

I found this quiz online. I love personality quizzes. This one tells me what my music taste says about me. Very truthful the results are. Try it out yourself. ;¬)

update ya later!

What Your Taste in Music Says About You

Your musical tastes are intense and rebellious.

You are intelligent... but in a very unconventional way.

You are curious about the world. You love doing something new.

In fact, you enjoy taking risks and doing things most people would shy away from.

You are very physical. It's likely that you're athletic, but not into team sports.

You have the soul of an artist. Beauty and harmony are important to you.

Thursday, 15 May 2008

This blog entry is swank!

Isn’t my blog now looking *swanky! I think it looks way better and is better laid out.

*Swanky/Swank - Something or Someone who is super, unexplainably spiffy.

Eg. “Jethro is a swanky beast!”, “Damn man, that car is swank!”

Leave comments if you will as to how swank my new blog is please.

On with the blog, which I hope to update more often and hopefully get some people viewing more often as a result. Just a quick one for now.

Seems like I’ve fitted back into the role of black sheep of the family. Last night my dad, his girlfriend and her son stay out until the early morning with not so much of an invitation to their merrymaking activities (not like I would have gone, but it would have been appreciated to have been invited). They come in at about 2am, loud as a tribe of elephants chasing after a monkey through a fireworks factory to get his nuts and there’s me trying to get to sleep. In the end, as a last resort, after trying to cover my ears with everything in the room, I go and get my outside sound reducing earphones. Very uncomfortable to sleep in, but they did the trick. I quickly nodded off, while their laughter and extra loud music blared through the house.

Now I sit in work, tired eyed and wishing it was home time.... same thing might happen again, which will leave me pulling my hair out, but on with the positive thinking. I will get a good nights sleep...I will.

Going to have a big chunk of my wages taken already it seems. Agreements have been made to pay out £320 to a charity, all because my ex spent all of the raised money, we raised together (a band night back in March) for this charity when she was in need of money. She promises to pay me back. Fingers crossed. My plans to buy an x-box might be out of the window, but we’ll see.

Will update tomorrow hopefully, if I’m still awake.



The history behind the gesture of defensively folding arms can be traced back to medieval times.

Knights during the breaks when dueling with swords for recreation or in real fighting tourniments used to give their sword to their squire, and then rest their "sword arm" on their less dominent hand by crossing arms to rest it. This still enabled them to be able to fight at short notice if needs be. The gesture has lived on until the present day, where people cross their arms in a defensive manner when they are insecure about themselves. Most people associate this gesture with being a closed person as opposed to an extroverted person.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

A Case of Blogger's Block

I'm having trouble putting stuff down into a blog. I search the catacombes and deep recesses of my mind for something worthwhile to blog about, but alas, nothing presents itself....

Mental Note: No, the word "alas" is not a forgotten one, but is a word that shall be spoken again amongst ourselves. Bring forth words of days of yore, and let them be heard again. Maybe its just me with my facination with fantasy novels from authors such as Tolkien and Gemmell. A well placed "alas" in a conversation gives one a sence of eccentricity and will make one stand out from the crowd. Either that or make the said person look a fool. hmmm more thought needs to be put into whether or not to use alas.... maybe just in online writing then lol

So..... what to write, what to write?

The weekend! Thats a good place as ever. Got in Friday to an empty house. Everyone was at the pub. So I got changed into casual clothes. So speedy that Superman would be suprised. Sweaty shirt isn't a thing i want to stay in when at home.

I tend to walk fast everywhere, which is just some sort of habbit. Why? i don't know, but i always end up arriving to my destination early, knackered (tired) and a bit sweaty, whcih just isn't good. My mission is to start trying to slow down and enjoy a good casual walk arriving on time, but not too late or early and not tired in any way. Lets see if i can do it.

Anyways, upon departing from my work attire, i set about lazing about on my dad'ss girlfriend's pink leather couch.... not the best of colours, but its really comfy. The usual was on Paul O'Grady, a chat show which has me laughing more often then not. After that and after a quick bite, i head upstairs to go on net.... How exciting. Then off to bed.

Saturday cometh! and i quickly brush up my appearance and set off to go and pick the kids up for their Daddy Day. Upon arriving at casa del bitchio, i notice that shes making an effort to improve the joint. Good for her, its in need of a good doing over. I never enter the house though, as i feel uninvited, so i just stand outside waiting for her to prep the kids for departure. She gathers Kallam and plonks him into the pram and as soon as he sees me, he smiles and at that exact moment, he makes my day. The fact that he remembers me after a week of not seeing me means the world to me. His smile is amazing. He is one amazing boy. His eyes are amazing too, a misty shocking blue.

But alas! Rhys starts to play up. He kicks and screams saying that he does not want to go with me and that he wants to stay. His tantrums were because he had needles earlier that morning and he was feeling crabby, fair enough, i just wanted to be on my way, but Kay wanted me to take him, trying numerous ways to pawn him off on me and no way was i going to be dragging him, litterally, along. In the end, she gave up and i set on my way. Got on the bus, a ritual transport for mothers and their prams and squeezed on somehow amongst the other prams and set off on the long journey from Runcorn to the neighbouring town of Widnes (my birthplace). For future reference i've attached a map of the area below. The red being my father's house and where i am staying now, the blue dot being Casa del Bitchio.

So, i get there eventually. Spent the glorious hours of time with Kallam that i cherish so much. My dad loves the time too. At one time laughin histerically over something simple as feeding kallam. Something about how he opens his mouth when i do the airplane noises when feeding him. It had me laughing too, to see my dad so happy. Took him back without anything to report on, so that was Saturday over with.

Sunday came and went like dust in the wind. Nothing to report on there. well, apart from getting in touch with friends i havn't heard of in over 10 years. It was good to hear that they are all doing well. One was my best bud James Pritchard. Well, I say best buds loosley as we always seemed to be arguing and fighting over something or other. lol Known him since primary school when i was around 7/8 years old i think. The other people i found thanks to the miraculous Facebook was the friends i met through him. It is also good to see how they are doing after so long. Seems I have the most lived out life out of all of them, not sure if thats good apart from gaining experience. On Sundays as well, i find myself longing to be in the company of friends who may live near or far, but have not the time or money to go see them. One friend in particular, i'd love to spend time with and get to know, but the distance thing makes it impossible. oh well.

Thats another essay of a blog over with. It seems i did have something to blog about in the end didn't i? I wonder whats an appropriate length of a blog anyway? Do i blabber on too much?

till next time.