Friday, 24 October 2008

as the world goes round.

A little ditty to start this blog off:

As the world goes round
The worlds in depression
I get the impression
its time to leave this town

As the world goes round
crisis of the financial
the worlds gone mad
its time to keep feet on the ground

As the world goes round
people are thankful
for what they have
frantically cherishing every pound

Hi there, hope you enjoyed my little ode to current events. Felt creative there for some reason.

I've had bloggers block....... yes it sounds painfull, but no its just lack of things to put in this here blog. Somethings better then nothing i've realised. So thoughts and ramblings I am going to share with you from now on as well as what goes on in my life
Lately, has been uneventful.... a good start i know, but bare with me. My weeks are routine consisting of going to work and going home and spending the nights watching TV or going online. Its a good life and boredom doesn't bother me. I have a high tollerance for it. Its only when i come to write about my goings on that i get frustrated of being able to share nothing.

Recnently however, things are starting to happen. My dad and his girlfriend are currently en route to Scotland for a trip leaving me by myself for the entire weekend. Good or bad news....hmm, well now i get to not breathe in their smog as they puff ciggarettes every waking second or hear their bickering as they sip their whiskey of a night. So yeah, its excellent news.

I had plans this month. To get my boy's Christmas presents in, to get myself a PS3 or at least put some money away for one and to get some forms sent off for a new Provisional Driving licence. None of these have come to pass due to money restrictions i'm afraid to say. So yet again, they are put on the back burner until next month. Fingers crossed. Instead this month, i've been purchasing the odd piece of clothing that i think would suit me, but at the same time being reasonably priced. I seemed to have done a great job so far. No one will notice that the clothing i wear only cost me about £5 per item. I ain't big on spending loads on brand names. As long as i look good and feel comfy then whats the problem.

I had a deviant spell today. I needed to return some jeans to ASDA (our version of Walmart), but the cashier wouldn't take them back without a receipt. What was i supposed to do, just wear them and suck it in. They wouldn't even zip up when i tried them on at home (serves me right for not trying them on in the store when i bought them). I thus continued to gather the correct jeans from the rack that i wanted, took them into the changing rooms and swapped them there and then with the smaller jeans swapping tags and so on. ( i know, i know, its illegal, but i was fuming). I casually then walked out of the changing rooms, put the used jeans up on the hanger and walked out of the store whilst looking all paranoid, as us non-shoplifters do. I felt real guilty about it, but accomplished. I had visions of laughing in that cashier's face. HA!

anyways. Will leave it at that. Best wishes to my friend Emma who has been feeling under the weather lately. Hope you feel yourself soon.

Update ya later.