Friday, 30 January 2009

Pic of the week

Found out how to post pics to my blog straight from my phone. This pic shows am example of how far my love of superhero movies goes lol i ain't a massive fan but like little bits like this.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


I'm normally a man who resists temptation. Very well in fact. I am not an alcoholic, nor am I a serial smoker or gambler. I have very strong will power when it comes to vices such as those. Well, all except for gaming... Last week (pay day), I bought myself an Xbox 360 and GTA IV. Having played an Xbox before and having been amazed by the graphics and games, plus having loved every other GTA game previously, I just had to buy myself one.

I've been brought up on computers and as far back as I can remember, I can recall a computer being in our home. First one I remember was a Commedore and then my much loved Atari ST. Next came the more user friendly consoles that kicked this hobby into overdrive, the NES, the SNES, the Mega Drive. I had them all at some point and used to spend hours isolated in my room playing them. Even on holiday away from my much loved consoles, I found an arcade and got my fix there. I cried as a kid if I didn't get a chance to visit an arcade. It was the arcade I wanted, not the beach or tourist attractions. Looking back, yes, it was weird. I blame my sister and brother who got my hooked on gaming in the first place.

In my defence, I am not a huge gamer at the moment. The addiction seems to have gotten weary as I've gotten older, with responsibilities, relationships and maturity pushing it to the back of my mind, but I still love games. I think in work about playing GTA and other games, like Guitar Hero, which was my previous addiction. (rock on!). GTA seemed the perfect first game to buy for the Xbox, as it is almost as if it is a never ending game. Well worth the money.

That's enough of that. I'm getting the wild shakes just thinking of the next mission I am to undertake as Nico Belic, the character from GTA. .. well, not that bad, I am over exaggerating a tad.

The weekend went well. I went a gig on Friday and got drunk. It seems the usual thing now on a night out. The question that springs to mind is "Can I go out with friends and not get drunk, but drink at a steady pace and just enjoy myself?". I'm going to experiment on that one in the future. I don't like acting like a prat when out with friends, even though they get a laugh out of it.

Spent Saturday with Kallam and did the usual, went to my brothers. He is progressing his wording a little, saying things like bye bye and associating it with waving to people. I'm so proud. *beams with pride*. When someone says "your a big boy now!", he stretches his arms (arm) up and smiles. He's so cute. Love him to pieces.

This weekend coming up, I've got him overnight and then during Saturday. Can't wait.

That's it for the update. C ya round.