Thursday, 1 October 2009

things that interest me this week....

Things that have taken my interest this week:

1. Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol.

Set to be another blockbuster, Dan Browns “The Lost Symbol” has already got critics buzzing over it. It’s definitely got me excited. I bought it on Tuesday and read it every lunchtime, and it has me addicted already. I’ve learnt some interesting facts about Washington DC and its history and the story, even after a couple of chapters is forming up well and has set the benchmark for the rest of the book. Its one of those books where you can’t wait to read it all, but know when you do, you’ll be upset as there are no pages left to read.

2. Flash Forward.

A new TV show thats out from the same US station that broadcasts LOST and other high budget shows. Its a sci fi one, so it has my interest piqued already. The story is where a majority of the population of the world has visions of the future 6 months ahead for about 2 minutes and the rest of the story is focused on a police officer trying to piece together his visions and others in an attempt to work out why everyone had the same experience. I’m going to eagerly await every episode of this one. I normally reserve judgement until a few episodes into the season, but this one seems good already.

3. Packages

Theres been four packages delivered that I’ve ordered at my previous address. I’m just interested in what they are out of what I’ve ordered.. Nothing major lol

4. Barmaid

I was interested in a barmaid at my dad’s local who seemed to have taken an interest in me. After plucking up enough courage, I asked her out and she seemed ok about it until she said she was 17. I recon it’d be wrong for me to date a 17 yr old, so I left it and so I go onto the next. :P Just goes to show my confidence is getting better if I can approach ppl easier now lol My approach in this instance was the shy but interested one where I looked down but did the cute looking up and saying that I fancied them :P It had her interest, but unfortunately, she wasn’t in my age range :P

5. “Malwarming”

A party, which technically isn’t a housewarming so my friends have decided to call it a Malwarming.... cute. Its on Saturday and hopefully should get a decent visitors list. My housemate wulfie said he knew someone who could bring Rock Band!!!! Awesome... will update you on how it goes...

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

much anticipated update ....

Whilst I have some spare time in work (a rare thing indeed) I thought I’d return by popular demand.... (one person asked me to)

I miss blogging to be honest, its a full five minutes in life where I can plop down some thoughts and ramblings onto this white virtual paper and try to make sense of them instead of having them cooped up in my head like a metaphorical prison of thoughts, problems and dreams.

The main news of the month is that I’ve broken free of the parental abode and gotten myself a place of my own. It’s sharing a house with another guy, but its quite fun nonetheless. I’ve got independence now, which is what I wanted when living with my dad and his girlfriend. My room made nicknamed “Wulfie” is a strange one in my view, but he probably thinks the same of me with my eccentric and unusual ways of living, i.e. dancing around the house, spending time alone and loving it, my morning routine* etc. What I find weird about him is two fold: one.... his first appearance is intimidating (bulging eyes, strawberry blonde hair and a confident attitude), secondly he is indie mad and wants to be a mod. Nice....

The house in question wasn’t the epitome of cleanliness when I moved in. Dog hairs covered the floor as if some freaky hermit carpet, thigh bones seemed to be hidden here and there around the house, and the dishes were stacked up in mini skyscrapers. It’s all sorted now because Wulfie had taken it upon himself to clean up the place and I help out when needed too. So its a nice little bachelor pad and what’s best is it has Beatles pics all over the living room, which makes me feel right at home.

My dad the other day text me saying he missed me, which was nice and very not like him. Makes me think he really enjoyed my company, which was not evident among the nightly roasting sessions they had about me during their drinking fests.

Lesser major news is I gotz myself a PS3 and an Iphone, I now have all my gadgets of the year that I set out to get. Go me. I’m not materialistic, however much that seems. All these possessions are little consolation from actual social contact, which I’m pleased to say is coming along very well. Now that I live in the same town as my friends, they come round more often and I can go out for drinks with them (if I have money). Me and Wulfie have had guitar jamming sessions, which have been fun and had fun times listening to music. I hang around more now with Kate, whos is my rockin’ best mate. I go round hers sometimes for a movie, to rock out on guitar hero or a few drinks down the local. Good times.

To sum up the rest, work work work, I see Kallam of a weekend, which is still a great (hes walking now! ***SO PROUD*** and I see more of him. Hes turning out to be a brainy lil rugrat now, wanting to read books and copying words note perfect. And Im no less of a man to say he is just soooo cute. :P I’m in the process of arranging a “Malwarming” party, as named by my friends, because its not exactly a housewarming lol hopefully that should go well.

That’s it for now. Will update