Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Comic Book Me

Firstly, a little observation. When on my way back to my normal office after covering at another one accross town. I came across a poor old fellow who had fallen and really badly hurt his head. I made the usual glance around when something like that enters your boring existance of a day, but I didn't linger as there were many people around....too many. 

There were the caring middle aged ladies knelt besides him, the frantic middle aged men with cell phones calling for help stood nearby, there were the nosy parkers and happy ending folk who just want to see what will happen to this tragic story, and then theres the kids/teens who stand outside of the circle pointing and laughing amongst themselves... now that upsets me. I guess you could call them chavs, the type of kids who don the matching tracksuits and caps and ride small BMX bikes, the ones who drink cider and never go school...grr. I hate those types. I hope the gentleman was alright and got to hospital fast. My thoughts go out to him.

Heres a little comic I created over the past couple of days to pass the time using a comic social networking site called Pixton. Very handy and I may post a couple of comics on here as and when I feel like to get me back into the swing of blogging and for entertainment value. Its only an experiment and a mess around, so its only a made up story lol

My weekend went well. It was a bank holiday, so I had Friday and Monday off work. I was due to have Kallam and his brother overnight on Friday, so I went over early to spend some time with them before they went to bed. On Saturday, I took Kallam for his lunch at a nearby cafe and then to my dads where we played and spent time together. Its great to see my dad laughing and playing with Kallam at the weekend, as it seems like my dad is down most of the time. Kallam loves his grandad too.

I love this picture. Its a shot which shows them natrually having fun together.
(the hat is just a hat my dad got from a pub once, he doesn't wear it all the time lol)

On Saturday night, I went to a gig at a local. On stage were some friends I met not so long back who were in a band called Kessler. They are all in their 30s, but act in their early 20s and are very fun to hang around with. I felt quite sorry for them, because they had been asked to play at the local, but hardly anyone turned up, a mere 20 people no less. They played their extra long set consisting of classics from the 60s, 70s, and some modern tracks, which they call their crowd pleaser set and a really good cover of Katy Perry's Hot and Cold. It was a cool night.

Sunday and Monday I was dead to the world.... I played on xbox, watched tv and went on my computer. Hardly left my room. I hate times like that. Times where I don't feel like doing anything. In those days, I completed my newly aquired Tomb Raider Underworld and completed Dead Space... Now I have two useless games, because I hate playing games more then once... oh well. And now I'm part way through my working week. Roll on the weekend...lol


Unknown said...

I love the picture of your dad and Kallam, it's so cute!
Like the comic too - fantasy is usually better than reality :-)

kate said...

I'm gonna sound repetitive here, but the picture of your dad and Kallam is absolutely adorable!

And I occasionally love lazy days like that - but only if I have nothing that needs to be done. Otherwise I just feel like a bum!