Wednesday 3 September 2008

End of the world due to Science test?

During recent years, science has been taking leaps and bounds with discoveries and technology, which in turn is motivating scientists to explore more unchartered territory. What I ask is will these experiments create a devastating chain of events that could somehow be the end of all life as we know it? The answer could probably be yes.

Scientists say that they are going to re-create the Big Bang on a small scale.

“Tests have cleared the way for the start-up next month of an experiment to restage a mini-version underground of the "Big Bang" which created the universe 15 billion years ago, the project chief said on Monday 25th August.”

Holy moly! When I first heard of this, I was thinking how on earth can they possibly do that. Well, scientists have found a way, as they do using a machine they've invented called the Large Hadron Collider. They state that they can stage a new big bang if they smash some protons together. (a million per second, which is way more than god managed).
But what could go wrong with this experiment? As S Peter Davis from so brilliantly puts it:

“Well, first imagine an apocalyptic nuclear holocaust. Multiply that by about one hundred and twenty thousand billion, and then multiply that by around the neighbourhood of infinity. That equals around one eighth of the magnitude of the Big Bang. Nevertheless, scientists are pretty sure they can contain their Big Bang in an Erlenmeyer flask, just so long as they remember to cork it.”

“The problem, of course, is that even the eggheads don't really know what's going to happen, which is sort of why they're doing it in the first place. Scientists on the LHC project insist there is no danger, and predict that the resulting observations could revolutionize science and send us into a golden age of knowledge, in the event that we actually survive.”

So, being blown to smithereens maybe a slight side effect from this experiment. Fantastic.

Another eventuality is the accumulation of strange matter. Strange matter is a hypothetical material made up of quarks, which are one of the building blocks of reality, things so small that you can't even possibly imagine. There are two hypotheses about strange matter. One is that the stuff will simply disappear a fraction of a second after it appears. The other is that it will stabilise and convert every atom it comes in contact with into more strange matter. If the latter happened here on earth, in no time, we’d all be dead. Fantastic x2. Scientists respond to the strange matter problem by saying if it was ever going to happen, it would have happened already (since these kind of reactions happen a zillion times a second in our atmosphere anyway), but if the eventuality that it did happen, everyone would be dead, thus no one to due them. Great.

Another theory is that the LHC might open wormholes with its high-energy collisions that future generations can manipulate for time travelling purposes. This is great news if you don’t think too much into it. If you are willing to delve deeper into the dangers of time travel, there’s the possibility you could meet yourself in the past and cause the universe to collapse, there’s altering something vital in the past causing a chain reaction and thus killing everyone, there’s the possibility that future generations may use the time machine to travel back in time from their dwindling version of earth due to lack of resources to a previous time to live, causing over population and faster consumption of resources, which would be never-ending. The list goes on.

I'm not in anyway a scientific guy, but the facts surrounding this expriment are too obvious to ignore. I hope no side effects happen, they are able to contain the reaction, and that we are all around afterwards. Is that too much to ask. On the lighter side of this scientific broadcast, we may finally be able to explore what made us, the planets, the stars and all life as we know it in the first place.

I hope I've only enlightened you to the possibilities and not scared you into a frenzy building your own bomb shelter or tieing up your noose. Its concerning stuff, but maybe curiosity didn't kill the cat, but only miffed it off a bit.

My next blog will focus back on the main



Anonymous said...

there are more possibilities for the end of the world that you cana ctually imagine...
just keep an eye on the news for the next 6 months... something tells me something with apocalyptic proportions is bound to happen quite soon!!!
and believe me when I say I nearly never am wrong!!

Marshall Family said...

as yes well you knwo I have heard all about this - hmm I dont know what to make of it all. I obviously hope it goes well but I actually get the feeling it wont go ahead or its a big hoax if im honest. Dunno.. Some things are better left alone - afterall - curiosity killed the cat and all the rest hey..